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Kom sorteer lag lag jou lewe uit saam met die welbekende aktrise en tv-aanbieder Nadia Beukes, kasbeplanner en stillis Nadia Potgieter, entrepreneur en besigheideienaar Rhona Erasmus asook radio omroeper en motiveringspreker Suné-Chari Sutton.

Met spesiale gaste:
Komediant Hannes Brümmer en sangeres Nariska Zietsman.

Die oggend gaan propvol lag, deel, hoop en bederf wees, als ter viering van Vrouwees. Ons vat hande met die Blissful Cleft Foundation om bewusmaking te skep oor Spleet defekte en gebruik graag die geleentheid om geld in te samel om vir nog ‘n kind ‘n vir ewig glimlag te kan skenk.

In samewerking met Die Atterbury Teater en GROOTfm is die dag spesiaal beplan om saam as vrouens ons glimlagte te kan vier.

Met spesiale dank aan Deetlefs Wine Estate, Pretoria Products Shop, Stephnie’s, Rooi Rose, Hannon, Trouvaille Boutique Spa, Konfetti Love, One Fine Day, Gary Rom Hairdressing, Mellow Clinic, Nova Medical Aesthetics & Lamelle wat reg staan om elkeen te bederf met als van gekenkpakke tot ‘n in-huis markie, verwelkomingsdrankies en die heerlikste kolwyntjies.

Moenie die oggend misloop nie! Bespreek julle kaartjies aanlyn by die Atterbury Teater vir 9 Augustus en kom sorteer jou lewe lag lag uit.

Deure open reeds 9:30 vir verwelkomingsdrankies en ‘n ligte versnappering wat ingesluit is in jou kaartjie prys.


What an unforgettable Women's Day event we had on the 9th of August. As the Blissful Cleft Foundation team we can't thank everyone enough who participated and helped to make this day a blissful experience.

The morning kicked off with shopping, laughing, crying, sharing stories and embracing each women who attended.


From the bottom of our hearts we would like to thank Nadia Beukes. Thank you for sharing in our dream. Thank you for jumping in and taking hands with an amazing group of women to ensure each lady who attend the morning will leave with a heart filled with smiles and joy.

Thank you Sune-Chari Sutton for giving each of us a good laugh and at the same time spreading words and blessings. We could not have asked for a better MC to create a light and happy setting.

Thank you to Nadia Potgieter. You have taught each lady that they are beautiful, inside and out and helped us to bring our joyful heart back into our daily wear. Your tips will go a long way for many of us.

Thank you Rhona Erasmus for your golden nuggets. Thank you for sharing your heart and your story that so many could relate to. Thank you for showing us that some structure and selfcare can lay out a path to happiness and contentment.

Hannes Brümmer, you have definitely captured the hearts of our audience. Thank you for letting us laugh out loud and remember how important it is to share a laugh with good company.

Nariska Brown Music, WOW! Your voice. Thank you for your humbleness and beauty reminding us to keep on dancing and singing through life.

Thank you to our amazing sponsors:

Deetlefs Wine Estate


rooi rose

Pretoria Products Gift Shop


Gary Rom Hairdressing Gary Rom Brooklyn

Hannon Head-Office

Trouvaille Boutique Day Spa

Mellow Clinic

Lamelle Research Laboratories

Nova Medical Aesthetics

SOEK Sunglasses South Africa

Magies vol Liefde / Tummies full of Love


Erika Davis Aesthetics Pretoria East

Spoilt Ladies Event

Each voucher, each treat, all the pretty things to buy, everything in the goodie bags and prizes added to filling each women's heart with smiles. We truly appreciate it from the bottom of our hearts.

Thank you One Fine Day for capturing this day. We are grateful to be able to put these beautiful pictures into our forever memory box. We are grateful!

Thank you Tamaryn Makeup + Hair for your talent and for making each lady on stage feel special and beautiful.

Atterbury Trust and Atterbury Teater/Theatre. Thank you, thank you, thank you! We are humbled with few words but overjoyed hearts. Thank you for your beautiful theatre. This day might be over but the doors opened for the Foundation will still eco for a long time.

GROOTfm 90.5 and Sonet Stofbergthank you for your continuous support. We are thankful to be able to take hands with you and for your unwavering help, always standing with open hearts and hands, ready to jump in and assist where you can. Thank you for all the marketing which absolutely helped with the great success of the day.

Konfetti Love words will never be enough to say thank you. The feel and ambiance you created with the décor was unbelievable and we are excited to take hands with future events.

Glare Modern Vintage - Fashion for stylish South African Women, WOW!! Your beautiful wear made us feel pretty and gave us the courage to go on stage and talk about the Foundation. Thank you for making every women wearing your range feel special.


Thank you to all our amazing volunteers! Thank you for making sure everything runs smoothly and for your support.

Last but definitely not least, thank you to EACH AND EVERY women who attended this morning. Thank you for your loyal support and thank you for taking hands with us to give children affected with a Cleft defect not only a forever smile, but hope for a brighter future.

We are excited for the future of the Blissful Cleft Foundation and this event helped open up paths which we can walk to make the journeys for Cleft families more supported.

Thank you!! Enjoy these photos taken by the One Fine Day team.


Remember to keep the 9th of August 2023 open. Same time same place

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